Our community respects the environment. We are committed to leaving no physical trace of our activities wherever we gather. We clean up after ourselves and endeavour, whenever possible, to leave such places in a better state than when we found them. You must carry out all your personal effects and your waste after the event. There will be no garbage container at the exit. Bring garbage bags and equipment to manage all your waste. We ask you to use the toilets and not urinate on the forest, specially not near the stream.

In addition, site cleanliness is a shared responsibility and site maintenance is everyone’s business. Remember to have a small bag with you at all times to collect any trash you see on the ground, even if you didn’t drop it there. We also strongly urge you to participate in the site cleanup (MOOP SWEEP) at the end of the event, in addition to your camp cleanup. Consult the LNT guide for further information on the subject.


MOOP is an acronym for “Matter Out of Place”, which is a convenient way of referring to anything that is not originally of the land on which our event takes place.

It can be anything: cigarette butts, bottle caps, glowsticks, fireworks, feathers, broken bits of wood, plastic, metal or broken glass.

Organic matter, even if it’s biodegradable, is also MOOP. If everyone started throwing away apple cores or banana peels in the woods, the place would soon become a dump and attract animals. Our environmental impact must be as small as possible.

Unlike mainstream festivals, LNT events do not provide facilities for garbage or recycling on the site. Each participant must assume responsibility for their environmental impact. Everything brought to L’OsstidBurn must leave with you, including your waste. Be sure to dispose of it responsibly after the event.


As you’re planning your trip, it is absolutely necessary that you read the LNT good practices guide on our website, under the Preparation -> Leave No Trace section.


This guide will answer most of your LNT questions. If you still have questions after reading it, please feel free to contact the L’OsstidBurn community on its Facebook page, or contact us at:


The LNT committee ensures that the site is in as good or better condition than when we arrived.

A complete clean up of the site will take place on Monday, June 24th from 2pm to 6pm and we need your help! To participate, please check the volunteer platform.



Each year, the LNT committee creates a MOOP Map, based on the photos of what we gathered during the final MOOP sweep. It shows the cleanliness level of camps, art installations and common areas, as they were left by the participants, before the MOOP sweep.

This data is carefully examined by the LNT committee and used during the preparation of future editions to give camps and artists their placement.

The field, parking site, paths, wood and river are common areas. It is your responsibility as a participant to make sure they remain clean, in the same way as your camp.